Predrag Raosavljević

Prof. dr Predrag Raosavljević,
vanredni profesor

Naučna oblast: Međunarodno pravo



  • 2012 – doktor pravnih nauka,  Pravni fakultet Univerzitet u Beogradu, Međunarodno pravo
  • 2005 – master prava, Columbia University, New York City, USA
  • 2001 – diplomirani pravnik,  Pravni fakultet Univerzitet u Banjoj Luci



  •  P Raosavljevic, Right to Housing: Case for Universal Legally Enforceable Right, Journal of Modern Civil Engineering 1 (1), Academic Star Publishing Company, New York, USA, 20-34, 2021
  • P Raosavljevic, O Cerkez, Origins of Social Contract Theory, Journal for Business Studies, University of Business Studies, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2021
  • L Mitrović, P Raosavljevic, Human Rights Ombudsmen in the pandemic-challenges in protection of vulnerable groups, EU and comparative law issues and challenges series (ECLIC) 5, 2021
  • L Mitrović, P Raosavljević, Challenges in Pre-Accession Harmonization of Anti- Discrimination Laws in Bosnia and Herzegovina, EU and comparative law issues and challenges series (ECLIC) 4, 1119-1134 , 2020 
  • L Mitrović, P Raosavljević, Right to peaceful assembly from perspective of Human Rights Ombudsmen of Bosnia and Herzegovina, The Right to Human Dignity, 421, 2020
  • P Raosavljevic, Conditions for effective intervention of Ombudsmen in anti-discrimination court proceedings, STED Journal, 2019
  • G Trnavci, P Raosavljevic, Sanctions in cases of discrimination in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 13th International Law Conference October Days Banja Luka Law School Collection of Articles, 2016;
  • Hate speech in Bosnia and Herzegovina – improving legislation in line with international standards, International Scientific Conference STED Banja Luka Collection of Articles, 2015;
  • Protection of minorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina according to the International human rights standards, International Scientific Conference University of Bihac in cooperation with International Burch University, 2014;
  • Right of states to self-defense in light of international practice, Belgrade University School of Law, 2012;
  • Rise of discrimination in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulletin of Human Rights Ombudsmen Institution of Macedonia, Issue 5, 2012;
  • Bosnia and Rwanda – historical and legal comparison of the tragedy, African Law Reporter, 2005;
  • Repertoire of the practice of the Security Council in implementation of Article 51 of the United Nations Charter, Security Council repertoire, 12th Supplement, 1993- 1995, United Nations 2005;
  • Liability of civilians for war crimes in post WWII trials, Diamond Law Library, Columbia University School of Law, 2005;
  • ICTY as a precedent of International Criminal Law, Serbian Legal Thought Academic Journal, 2005
  • Essay: Law and Culture   Banja Luka Law School, Journal “IUSTITIA”,  2000