Nr. S-075/24

Banja Luka, September 2nd, 2024

General Information about PIM University

University for Business Engineering and Management in Banja Luka (PIM University) is a higher education institution within which the first educational institutions were established in June 2003. This university was a pioneer in the development of education in the field of management and business economics in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Since its establishment, PIM University has continuously evolved, aligning with global academic trends and the needs of the business world by expanding its fields of study and offered academic programs.

PIM University places special emphasis on practical learning and integration with the environment by establishing quality business collaborations with successful companies and through cooperation agreements with related higher education institutions, both locally and internationally. This approach enables our students to gain higher quality academic knowledge and to enter the business world more quickly and efficiently. The university has signed cooperation agreements with numerous educational and scientific institutions in the country, the region, and with international institutions with which it actively collaborates.

Today, PIM University consists of 7 faculties and an Institute for Research and Development. In addition to its headquarters in Banja Luka, the university operates in three departments in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Trebinje, East Sarajevo, and Brčko District) and one department in Serbia (Užice), offering 13 study programs at three levels of study (bachelor, master, and doctoral cycles of study).

Internationalization strategy of PIM University

Our internationalization strategy is outlined in the PIM University Development Strategy for the period 2023-2030.[1] This strategy defines the main objectives that represent the primary directions for achieving the vision, as well as the planned results in the future work of PIM University. It is also complemented by regulations on quality assurance,[2] scientific research,[3] and international cooperation.[4]

One of the key strategic objectives outlined in the Development Strategy is the strengthening of the University’s interdisciplinary approach and internationalization. Interdisciplinarity and internationalization in higher education are processes that enhance the quality of education by creating joint programs with foreign institutions, increasing the mobility of students, faculty, and staff, encouraging the development and implementation of courses or programs in foreign languages, and fostering international collaboration to improve the overall teaching process and analyze mobility data. These processes are crucial as they contribute to the development of the University, both at the institutional and societal levels.

Within this objective, there is an intention to enhance the mobility of students, academic, and administrative staff through ERASMUS projects, increase student awareness of the importance of international mobility and exchange for their personal and professional development through participation in study programmes and international internships, launch at least one study program in English, establish at least one joint study program for a double or joint degree in English with an institution from the European education space, promote the University internationally through increased participation in international education fairs, roundtable discussions, membership in international associations, and other activities that will enhance the University’s visibility on the international stage.

As part of the internationalization strategy, PIM University is also focused on attracting foreign students through the implementation of programs or courses in foreign languages, primarily by initiating and conducting programs in English. The Strategy also envisions increased participation of the University in European projects. These goals are seen as a means to improve both the scientific and educational fields, enhance teaching quality, and achieve better recognition of the University on the international scene, while strengthening the financial efficiency of the University, aligning with the objectives of the Development Strategy.

The University’s PIM participation in ERASMUS programs

As a relatively new university with a brief operational history, PIM University does not have numerous examples of participation in international programs, primarily the ERASMUS programs. PIM University has been involved in ERASMUS student exchange programs for study and internships, as well as teaching and training programs for staff, since 2015. Since 2021, PIM University has expanded its involvement as a partner in other ERASMUS projects related to scientific research, business improvement, and sustainable development.[5] Over the past eight years, the University has engaged in staff and student exchanges and collaborated on projects with approximately five other European higher education institutions. [6]

During the period 2022-2024, collaboration and exchange were established with the University of Cordoba (Spain), the Higher Technical School in Subotica (Serbia), and the Polytechnic University of Timisoara (Romania). Five-month exchange study programs were realized for Computer Science students starting from the academic year 2021/2022, and for Psychology students with the University of Cordoba from 2023/2024.

In 2022 and 2023, there was also an exchange of teaching and training staff in both directions with the Polytechnic University of Timisoara (including the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and the Faculty of Engineering from Hunedoara), the Faculty of Education at the University of Cordoba, and the Higher Technical School in Subotica (Serbia).

During the winter semester of 2022/2023, PIM University established collaboration with Placement Slovakia, resulting in student internships for PIM University students in Slovakia under the ERASMUS program Workspace Europe.

PIM University has a longstanding collaboration with the Polytechnic University of Timisoara (Romania), involving mutual exchange of teaching and training staff and a student exchange program since 2018.

Furthermore, one of the oldest student and staff exchange programs within the Erasmus program has been established with the Technical University of Cluj Napoca – North University Centre of Baia Mare since 2015.

The quality assurance of the Erasmus program at PIM University

PIM University is committed to providing exceptional educational opportunities to students, adhering to the core principles of the ERASMUS program. The university actively supports, promotes, and recognizes mobility for teaching, training, and exchange among faculty, administrative staff, and students, both incoming and outgoing, across various disciplines, study programs, and administrative units at all levels. Encouraging mobility serves to establish institutional connections, foster joint research projects, enhance teaching at partner institutions, and facilitate mutual support in academic and administrative matters.

Student mobility programs, grants, as well as faculty and administrative staff mobility initiatives, are publicized through various channels, including the university’s website and social media platforms. The university also organizes mentorship and peer-mentoring programs to facilitate networking among students and staff who have participated in exchange programs and those who haven’t, ensuring timely dissemination of information about exchange opportunities, application criteria, and the implementation process.

Through regular monitoring of exchange programs and the collection of feedback from students and faculty through exchange reports, the university gains valuable insights essential for ongoing collaboration and the continuous improvement of the ERASMUS program’s quality.

The ERASMUS+ Programme enables PIM University to strengthen its international reputation and visibility by providing diverse opportunities: allowing students from partner institutions to study at PIM and vice versa; offering PIM students diverse academic experiences through study mobility and work placements via traineeship mobility; facilitating collaboration between PIM researchers and their international counterparts; participating in the development of higher education policies.

PIM University is determined in its commitment to offering ERASMUS+ Grants to as many students and staff members as possible through a transparent candidate selection process, free from discrimination based on gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, nationality, or any other affiliations, while upholding European values and human rights.

PIM University is dedicated to fostering international collaboration, and this commitment is supported by the Rulebook on International Cooperation. The university ensures transparent procedures through the International Relations Office. This body operates under the coordination of the Vice-Rector for Scientific Research and International Cooperation, who is responsible for supervising activities involving international partners.

For the selection of ERASMUS exchange student candidates, PIM University has established a commission responsible for evaluating applications and assessing candidates’ eligibility for the intended exchange. This commission ensures a transparent selection process. Additionally, the Vice-Rector for Scientific Research and International Cooperation actively engages in mentorship activities, working closely with interested candidates to guide them through the process and ensure a well-informed and successful study exchange.

For the selection of teaching staff, the university employs a procedure involving the nomination of multiple candidates. This approach allows partner institutions to choose the most suitable candidate for the exchange. Furthermore, in the event of a candidate withdrawing, having multiple nominees ensures the smooth continuation of the exchange.

This nomination-based selection process is designed to promote fairness, equal opportunity, and inclusivity. It provides flexibility for partner institutions to make decisions based on their specific needs, contributing to a collaborative and constructive international exchange experience for teaching staff.

To achieve these goals, PIM University maintains a dedicated and professionally trained staff in the International Relations Office, overseeing various procedures related to ERASMUS programs, including candidate selection, mentoring program coordination, promotional marketing activities, document preparation, and similar tasks.

The anticipated impact of the University’s involvement in the ERASMUS+ program

Through participation in initiatives within the ERASMUS+ program, we anticipate increased global competitiveness, expanded and equitable mobility opportunities for students and staff, and enhanced research outcomes achieved through collaborative projects with partner universities and businesses. In line with our strategic priorities, involvement in ERASMUS programs will impact the development of curricula, leading to an increased offering of programs/courses in English or other foreign languages, improved development and delivery of joint programs/courses with partner institutions, the inclusion of additional international and multidisciplinary approaches in curricula, and the integration of internships into more study programs. We expect these improvements to bring overall benefits to our institution.





