Primjena vještačkih neuronskih mreža u različitim oblastima stvaralaštva: pregled istraživanja//Application of Artificial Neural Networks Across Various Domains of Creativity: A Research Overview
Marija Blagojević je redovni profesor na Fakultetu tehničkih nauka u Čačku, Univerziteta u Kragujevcu, na Katedri za informacione tehnologije. Rođena je 1984. godine, stekla je master diplomu iz tehnike i informatike 2007. godine, a doktorirala je iz tehničkih nauka 2014. godine. Njena trenutna istraživačka interesovanja obuhvataju rudarenje podataka, vještačke neuronske mreže, e-učenje, programiranje, itd.
Sa šesnaest godina iskustva u nastavnom i istraživačkom radu, autor ili koautor je više od 100 naučnih radova i recenzent u brojnim naučnim časopisima.
Takođe je recenzent projekata i studijskih programa i član partnerskog univerziteta za Tempus projekat. Bila je član organizacionih odbora nekoliko konferencija i član Komisije za samovrednovanje na fakultetu. Učestvovala je u četiri Erasmus+ mobilnosti i mnogim nacionalnim i međunarodnim projektima.
Marija Blagojević is a Full Professor at the Faculty of Technical Sciences Čačak, University of Kragujevac, at the Department of Information technology. Born in 1984, she obtained her MSc degree in technics and informatics in 2007 and PhD degree in technical sciences in 2014.
Her current research interests include data mining, artificial neural networks, e-learning, programming, etc.
With sixteen years of experience in teaching and research activities, she is the author or co-author of more than 100 research papers and a reviewer in numerous scientific journals. She is also a reviewer of projects and study programs and a member of partner university for Tempus project. She was a member of the organizational committees of several conferences and a member of Commission for self-evaluation at the Faculty. She has participated in four Erasmus+ mobilities and many national and international projects.