Konferencija o globalnom društvenom i tehnološkom razvoju i održivosti

Poštovani članovi EUMMAS akademskog konzorcijuma,

Sa zadovoljstvom najavljujemo našu predstojeću „EUMMAS A2S konferenciju o globalnom društvenom i tehnološkom razvoju i održivosti“, koja će se održati u Bukureštu (Rumunija), od 22. do 24. maja 2024. 

Tema konferencije je „Navigacija novom granicom: odgovorne inovacije, cirkularna ekonomija i digitalizacija sektora poslovanja i javne uprave u eri veštačke inteligencije i velikih podataka“.

Ovaj ključni događaj organizuje naš akademski konzorcijum, uz ljubaznu podršku institucija domaćina iz Rumunije: Univerziteta Valahia iz Trgovišta, Univerziteta za naftu i gas u Ploeštiju, Rumunske akademije, RebResNet udruženja i Privredne komore Prahova.

Naša konferencija obuhvata šest događaja: Takmičenje mladih istraživača, Takmičenje u proučavanju slučaja, Naučnu konferenciju, Forum za biznis i javnu administraciju, Forum žena i Forum mladih.

Profesori i studenti koji su povezani sa institucijama EUMMAS Akademskog konzorcijuma imaju pravo na 20% popusta na standardnu participacionu naknadu.

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EUMMAS A2S Conference on Global Social and Technological Development and Sustainability, Bucharest 2024, Romania

We are pleased to announce that our institution, as a member of the EUMMAS Academic Consortium, is organizing the EUMMAS A2S Conference on Global Social and Technological Development and Sustainability in Bucharest, 22-24 May 2024. The event is going to be organized as an Academe2Society (A2S) EUMMAS Concept Conference formulating a unique and innovative approach to cooperation between Academia and Society. EUMMAS Bucharest 2024 Conference theme is “Navigating the New Frontier: Responsible Innovation, Circular Economy, and Digitalization of Business and Public Administration Sectors in the Era of AI and Big Data”.

Host institutions

  • Valahia University from Targoviste
  • Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiești
  • Romanian Academy
  • RebResNet Association
  • Prahova Chamber of Commerce

Conference organizer – EUMMAS Academic Consortium Institutions

Conference webpage:

The EUMMAS Academic Consortium stands as a pivotal pillar within the Association, comprising esteemed higher educational partners united towards a common purpose. Led by President Prof. Dr. Nino Enukidze, Rector of the Business and Technology University from Georgia, the EUMMAS Academic Consortium orchestrates scientific endeavors and fosters robust networking platforms for its members. Its objectives include expanding scholarly discourse through conferences, nurturing young researchers, crafting collaborative research proposals, fostering internationalization, and promoting mobility among students and faculty. Furthermore, the EUMMAS Academic Consortium grants its members ownership of organized events, facilitates participation in conferences, extends recruitment opportunities, and serves as a conduit for academic publication. It also cultivates the growth of emerging scholars through the Early Career Academic Network.
