U Tuzli održano treće javno predstavljanje rezultata ,,Studije mapiranja institucionalnog kršenja ljudskih prava u Bosni i Hercegovini”, 5. oktobra 2021. godine

U prostorijama Pravnog fakulteta Univerziteta u Tuzli, 05. oktobra 2021. godine održano je, treće po redu predstavljanje rezultata ,,Studije mapiranja institucionalnog kršenja ljudskih prava u Bosni i Hercegovini”.

Predstavljanje rezultata je otvorio prof. dr Amir Karić, dekan Pravnog fakulteta u Tuzli, koji je izrazio zadovoljstvo što je fakultet imao priliku da bude domaćin ovakvog događaja, kao i što je uposlenik ove visokoškolske institucije uključen u projekat u okviru koga je izrađena Studija.

Profesor Aleksandar Ivanović je, sa pozicije autora Studije, predstavio rezultate sprovedenog istraživanja. Profesorica Dženeta Omerdić je predstavila evropske standarde zaštite ljudskih prava u sferi slobode mišljenja i izražavanja, slobode mirnog okupljanja i slobode kretanja, dok je profesorica Ljiljana Dapčević-Marković govorila o dobrim praksama bezbjednosnih institucija u skladu sa odredbama Evropske konvencije o zaštiti ljudskih prava i osnovnih sloboda.

Učešće na predstavljanju rezultata su uzeli predstavnici akademske zajednice iz Zenice, Doboja, Tuzle i Bijeljine, predstavnici pravosudnih institucija iz Zvornika, Tuzle i Bijeljine, predstavnici Ministarstva pravde i uprave Zeničko-dobojskog kantona, predstavnici Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova Tuzlanskog kantona, Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srpske, predstavnici nevladinih organizacija iz Gradačca, Doboja, Gračanice, Bijeljine i Tuzle.  

Od strane predstavnika policijskih uprava Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova Tuzlanskog kantona kao problem je apostrofirano pitanje stanja zakonodavstva u oblasti javnog okupljanja. Istaknuto je da se u praktičnoj primjeni odredaba ovih zakona policijski službenici nalaze u nezahvalnom položaju. S jedne strane im se zakonom i od strane pretpostavljenih nalaže određeno postupanje u cilju zaštite javnog reda i mira, omogućavanja neometanog odvijanja saobraćaja i sl., dok im se sa druge strane nameće obaveza zaštite prava građana na izražavanje određenog stava kroz mirno okupljanje. Posebno je ukazano na problem tzv. spontanih okupljanja, okupljanja u pokretu, okupljanja na saobraćajnicama, raskrsnicama i sl.

Problem predstavlja nepreciznost odredbi ovih zakona, koje ne nude jasna uputstva, već prije svega daju diskreciona ovlašćenja predstavnicima izvršne vlasti u rješavanju određenih problemskih situacija u smislu javnih okupljanja.

The third public presentation of the results of the “Study on Mapping Institutional Violations of Human Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina” was held in Tuzla

On October 5, 2021, the third presentation of the results of the “Study on Mapping Institutional Violations of Human Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina” was held in the premises of the Faculty of Law of the University of Tuzla.

The presentation was opened by PhD. Amir Karić, Dean of the Faculty of Law in Tuzla, who expressed satisfaction that the Faculty had the opportunity to host such an event, as well as that an employee of this higher education institution was involved in the project within the Study.

The author of the Study, Professor Aleksandar Ivanović, presented the results of the conducted research. Professor Dženeta Omerdić presented European standards for the protection of human rights in the field of freedom of opinion and expression, freedom of peaceful assembly and freedom of movement, while Professor Ljiljana Dapčević-Marković spoke about good practices of security institutions in accordance with the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.

Representatives of the academic community from Zenica, Doboj, Tuzla and Bijeljina, representatives of Judicial institutions from Zvornik, Tuzla and Bijeljina, representatives of the Ministry of Justice and administration of Zenica-Doboj Canton, representatives of the Ministry of Interior of Tuzla Canton, Ministry of Interior of Republika Srpska representatives of non-governmental organizations from Gradačac, Doboj, Gračanica, Bijeljina and Tuzla took part in presenting the results.

Representatives of the Ministry of the Interior of the Tuzla Canton, as a problem emphasized the issue of the state of legislation in the field of public assembly. It was pointed out that in the practical application of the provisions of these laws, police officers are in an ungrateful position. On the one hand, the law and their superiors order certain actions to protect public order and peace, enable unhindered traffic, etc., while on the other hand, they are obliged to protect the right of citizens to express a certain attitude through peaceful assembly. The problem of the so-called spontaneous gatherings, gatherings in motion, gatherings on roads, intersections, etc. was specifically pointed out.

The problem is the inaccuracy of the provisions of these laws, which do not offer clear instructions, but above all give discretionary powers to the representatives of the executive power in resolving certain problematic situations in terms of public gathering.